
December Water Information

If you are leaving town this holiday season for any period of time, ensure that your heater stays on to avoid any water pipes from freezing!

We have seen an increase in the use of flushable wipes entering our wastewater system.  Contrary to being labeled as "flushable," flushable wipes are a major problem for our sewer system.  Unlike toilet paper, flushable wipes do not break down easily in water.  Flushable wipes tend to form large clumps that can block city sewer lines, and even your home's sewer service line, leading to future issues and backups.  The safest way to dispose of flushable wipes is to discard them in the trash, not the toilet!  Even if a product is considered flushable, it's best to avoid flushing it.

November Water Information

With colder temperatures on the horizon, November is the month to have your irrigation systems winterized.  Be sure to have your irrigation lines blown out to avoid any breaks.  Culinary irrigation systems should have their backflow assembly removed for the winter, or insulated.  A broken backflow assembly could potentially put North Logan's water system at risk of contamination.  Protecting your home's backflow assembly helps North Logan keep our drinking water protected.  Do your part to keep our water safe!

October Water Information

With colder temperatures on the horizon, October is the month to have your irrigation systems winterized.  Be sure to have your irrigation lines blown out to avoid any breaks.  Culinary irrigation systems should have their backflow assembly removed for the winter, or insulated.  A broken backflow assembly could potentially put North Logan's water system at risk of contamination.  Protecting your home's backflow assembly helps North Logan keep our drinking water protected.  Do your part to keep our water safe!

September Water Restrictions

Water Restrictions will remain in effect this summer.  Water restrictions help tremendously in enabling us to meet the growing demand for water during the summer months.  Water restrictions also help to promote water conservation by encouraging residents and business owners to be more mindful of their culinary water usage.

When watering, please abide by the address watering schedule below.  Properties utilizing culinary (city) water are permitted to water up to three (3) days per week following this schedule:

ODD ADDRESSES: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays

EVEN ADDRESSES: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays

No watering allowed on Sundays.

Properties that have access to culinary (city) water and secondary (canal) water for lawn watering, are required to use secondary (canal) water ONLY.  Secondary water users will receive their schedule via their canal companies.

Landscape Incentive (Flip the Strip Program): 

Are you ready to transition your lawn/yard and/or park strip into a water efficient landscape?  GOOD NEWS!  The Utah Division of Water Resources has recently approved North Logan City residents to participate in their landscape conversion incentive programs.  Commonly referred to as "Flip the Strip," you can now receive a reimbursement for a portion of expenses incurred converting your park strip or yard into a water-wise landscape!

Visit:  https://www.utahwatersavers.com/division-of-water-resources-landscape-incentive-program-details to learn about the steps required to become eligible at your property.

Visit:  http://utahwatersavers.com/, enter "North Logan City" as your water provider, set up an account, and submit plans for your landscaping conversion!

Lead Service Line Inventory: 

Staff will perform field verifications on unknown and existing lead service lines throughout the summer.  Residents affected will be notified.  If you have any questions please email: water@northlogancity.org
The Environmental Protection Agency is requiring a full inventory of the water service line types for all properties in Utah, North Logan City included. There are four primary materials types listed below. North Logan City is largely certain that we do not have any lead service lines. We are required, however, to verify this information. We need your help in identifying your home’s water service line type. We need everyone’s input! Click here for more information and a link to the survey.

Consumer Confidence Report:

We are committed to ensuring the cleanest and safest water available.  The Consumer Confidence Report for 2023 is now available.  It can be found at northlogancity.org/consumer-confidence-report/

Water Conservation Measures

Slow the Flow - Drought Response Actions and ways you can help conserve water!

Lawn Watering Guide

The link below will give you a lawn watering guide, along with other information about conserving water and taking care of your landscape, as well as indoor plants, and more.  This season promises to be a very dry one unfortunately, so hopefully we can do all we can.  Thank you for all you do to make North Logan a great place to call home!
Weekly Lawn Watering Guide

Find available rebates and QWEL certified irrigation Pro's at slowtheflow.org

Crockett Avenue Project



Help Protect North Logan’s Water Supply

North Logan prides itself on offering some of the cleanest water in the state of Utah. Despite how much we treat and disinfect our drinking water, there is always the chance that our supply can be contaminated through a “cross-connection.” A “cross-connection” can be defined as any actual or potential connection between our drinking water and other unwanted water sources that may introduce contaminants into the drinking water supply, such as secondary or used water, gas or other industrial fluids. Common forms of cross-connections include irrigation systems, fire suppression systems, or a hose left in a pool or bucket.

A “backflow” is an undesirable reversal flow of water. A loss of water pressure in pipes can cause water to flow backwards which could then lead to contaminated water entering the drinking water supply. A “backflow assembly or device” works to eliminate the possibility of said contaminants from entering our drinking water system at a cross-connection site. Examples of backflows occurring could include a fire hydrant being opened, exceptionally heavy water use, or a water main break.

In order to ensure our drinking water supply is protected from contamination, North Logan will begin inspecting all backflow assemblies and devices located throughout the city annually. Backflow devices can be found primarily within our local commercial and industrial businesses, but are also required for residential irrigation systems. During an inspection, a trained North Logan staff member will document the existence of any backflow devices within a building, document their protective roles, and make recommendations on how to better protect their system and ours. Following an inspection, all assemblies and devices will be tested annually by a third party to ensure they are operating properly. Inspections and tests are mandatory in accordance with city laws and ordinances, and State regulations.

It is the responsibility of the business owner or resident to be in compliance by abiding by laws and ordinances of North Logan. All residences with an irrigation system should have a dual check valve service meter installed. Together, we can keep North Logan’s drinking water system safe and protected.

For information related to back-flow prevention in water systems, contact Jon Mills, Utility Specialist, 815-508-5412 or jmills@northlogancity.org

For the city ordinance, please visit https://northlogan.municipalcodeonline.com/

Consumer Confidence Reports

Found here.

How to conserve water

Conservation Tips

Water Rate Proposal

Water Rate Proposal Document

Water Shortage Management Plan

Water Shortage Management Plan and Procedures