Community Development


North Logan City is currently working to re-write it's community-wide General Plan. Please visit NLCPLAN.ORG for more information and to join the public participation

Land Use Applications

  1. Subdivision Application
  2. Land Use Permit Application  - (This link is for Land Use applications including Accessory Buildings (under 200 sq. ft.), Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), Conditional Use Permit (CUP), Fence Permits, and Sign Permits)
  3. Design Review Application
  4. Lot Line or Parcel Boundary Adjustment
  5. Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)
  6. City Center Development Plan Application

For all other land use applications, please reach out to the Community Development Department

Planning Commission:  Contact the Planning Commission through the City Offices at 752-1310. Note:Planning Commission meetings are typically held on the Thursday's following a City Council meeting, in the council chambers of the North Logan City Offices (2525 North 600 East).

●  Planning Commission Members, see City Staff Listing

Community Development Department:  435-752-1310

Scott Perkes, AICP |
Community Development Director